Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I know I haven't been on in a while, but  it's been for a good thing. This is my first ever rubberband powered machine gun! Well, it's not all rubberband powered. It's more motor powered. But itshoots rubberbands.

The gun shoots because of the string pushing the rubberbands off of the pegs holding them. The result is a 5 rubberband per second launcher that spins. I know it sounds pretty slow, but it's my first minigun. Gimme a break. XD

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hello, I am back with some more pix and a video of my LEGO AK-47. I will add captions to explain how it works and what that particular piece does. Whatever I don't take a picture of, I'll explain in the video.

The whole gun

The trigger

The Trigger Mechanism

Shoulder Stock

The handle and the trigger

The sucky banana clip
My view when I'm shooting

Sorry for the bad quality! XD

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Hello, everybody. I know this has absolutely nothing to do with robots, but it is made out of Technic LEGOs. I was inspired to build this because of Jack Streat's awesome LEGO guns. This gun fires little 2x1 Technic beams about 18 feet at the most. Since I couldn't figure out a way to make the Banana Clip have a direct feed to the barrel, I had to make it somewhat an optical illusion. I simply only used the straight part of the clip to feed to the barrel, and the curved part is just for looks. I used all of my pegs from the NXT 2.0 kit, so I had to dig into the 8043 Motorized Excavator kit, which I got for Christmas. I used a lot of beams from the Excavator kit, too. I got all of the 15, 13, and 11 beams from it. The only problem with the barrel is it's very heavy. I also made a shoulder stock.

More pix of it are coming tomorrow.

Sorry for the pixely quality.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Clicking Brick Syndrome!!!

Oh, boy. Of course I get clicking the dreaded Clicking Brick Syndrome on my NXT when I'm in the middle of programming my most advanced robot yet. Until I reset my firmware, I may just have to take pictures of the robots an make instructions. No programs. Ugh.

Anyways, here's my new robot. Instructions are coming soon.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Sorry, but I can't make the mortar for another week or so because I took it apart and now I have to rebuild it. I'll make it and add instructions ASAP.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

R/C Mobile Mortar

This is an R/C Mobile Mortar. It can elevate and lower the turret, shoot a zamor sphere, and drive back and forth. I am creating a game for it. For the program, go to, and search minifig2222 in the search box. If it's not there wait cuz it has to go through a  moderating team and could be either rejected or still in moderation. Instructions are coming next week.