Hello, everybody. I know this has absolutely nothing to do with robots, but it is made out of Technic LEGOs. I was inspired to build this because of Jack Streat's awesome LEGO guns. This gun fires little 2x1 Technic beams about 18 feet at the most. Since I couldn't figure out a way to make the Banana Clip have a direct feed to the barrel, I had to make it somewhat an optical illusion. I simply only used the straight part of the clip to feed to the barrel, and the curved part is just for looks. I used all of my pegs from the NXT 2.0 kit, so I had to dig into the 8043 Motorized Excavator kit, which I got for Christmas. I used a lot of beams from the Excavator kit, too. I got all of the 15, 13, and 11 beams from it. The only problem with the barrel is it's very heavy. I also made a shoulder stock.
More pix of it are coming tomorrow.
Sorry for the pixely quality.
Vary cool can you make a pdf for the ak?